Forums:Russian Hobbit dramatizations

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Revision as of 20:12, 21 September 2012 by Marbpl (talk | contribs)
Tolkien Gateway > Forums > Russian Hobbit dramatizations

There should be articles on two Russian Hobbit-based productions: the 1985 televsion play: and a 1991 short cartoon on the destruction of Dale: Unsigned comment by Marbpl (talk • contribs).

None of us here speaks Russian (well, that I know.) You could help us out here. --Ederchil (Talk/Contribs/Edits) 21:53, 20 September 2012 (UTC)
Oh wow, yes that would be fantastic. If you need help setting up the pages or whatever, please ask. But if you can provide any information on the productions that would be great!-- KingAragorn  talk  contribs  edits  email  22:04, 20 September 2012 (UTC)

There is a Russian Wikipedia page at for the 1985 production. Information on the 1991 short is at I don't read Russian but Google Translate might prove helpful. Unsigned comment by Marbpl (talk • contribs).

What would we call them? "Hobbit (1985 television play)" and "Hobbit: Cokrobesha pod goroy"? Not sure on the latter. --Ederchil (Talk/Contribs/Edits) 14:47, 21 September 2012 (UTC)

The actual name of the 1985 show is "Сказочное путешествие мистера Бильбо Беггинса, Хоббита" -- Skazochnoie Puteshestvie Mistera Bilbo Begginsa, Khobbita which I believe translates to "The Fairytale (or magical? enchanted?) Journey of Mr. Bilbo Baggins, Hobbit".

The translation of the 1991 short is "The Treasure Under the Mountain".

Has anyone viewed the Youtube videos yet? I have, but not recently.Unsigned comment by Marbpl (talk • contribs).

But is the transliteration "Hobbit: Cokrobesha pod goroy" correct? --Ederchil (Talk/Contribs/Edits) 17:17, 21 September 2012 (UTC)
I have a Ukranian friend I could ask, if I remember.--Morgan 19:02, 21 September 2012 (UTC)

"Khobbit: Sokrovischa pod goroy" I think. Unsigned comment by Marbpl (talk • contribs).