Daddy Twofoot

From Tolkien Gateway
Daddy Twofoot
The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game - Daddy Twofoot, Next-door Neighbour.jpg
Daddy Twofoot in The Lord of the Rings Trading Card Game
Biographical Information
LocationBagshot Row, Hobbiton
Physical Description
GalleryImages of Daddy Twofoot
"That's a dark bad place, if half the tales be true."
― Daddy Twofoot on the Old Forest[1]

Daddy Twofoot was a Hobbit of the Shire in the late Third Age.


Daddy Twofoot lived in a hole on Bagshot Row in Hobbiton, right next door to Hamfast Gamgee and his family. He was a regular at the Ivy Bush Inn, where he was one particular evening in T.A. 3001, when Hamfast Gamgee entertained his fellow patrons with his knowledge of Bag End and "Mad Baggins". During the conversation, Dad seconded Old Noakes's disdain for the Bucklanders, considering them peculiar strangers.[1]

Portrayal in adaptations

Daddy Twofoot in adaptations
Daddy Twofoot in The Lord of the Rings Online  

1981: The Lord of the Rings (1981 radio series):

Daddy Twofoot is voiced by Leonard Fenton. He is present in the Ivy Bush before Bilbo's Birthday Party.[2]

2001: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring:

Daddy Twofoot's place at the conversation (which is moved to the Green Dragon) is taken over by Sam.[3] A Decipher Card of Daddy Twofoot identifies him as one of the Hobbits seen in the preceding scene, Concerning Hobbits.[4]

2002: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (video game):

Daddy Twofoot lives at Number Two, Bagshot Row, and can be seen sitting outside the Green Dragon. No actor is specified for the part.[5]

2007: The Lord of the Rings Online:

Found at his residence not far from Bag End, Daddy Twofoot plays no role in the story and only provides a few lines during a seasonal festival quest.
