Last Desert

From Tolkien Gateway

The Last Desert was a distant and likely mythical desert in the far east of Middle-earth, the abode of Were-worms.[1]

It is not clear if the Last Desert could really fit in the known maps of Arda, or if it was simply a creation of Hobbitish folklore.

Other Versions of the Legendarium

In the earliest drafts of The Hobbit, Bilbo offered to walk from the Shire "to [cancelled: Hindu Kush] the Great Desert of Gobi and fight the Wild Wire worm(s) of the Chinese."[2] In a slightly later version J.R.R. Tolkien altered this to say "to the last desert in the East and fight the Wild Wireworms of the Chinese",[3] and in the final version it was altered once more to say "to the East of East and fight the wild Were-worms in the Last Desert."[4]


Legendary locations in Arda
Islands:  Isle of Meneltarma
Mountains:  Astulat · Mountains of the Moon · Merlock Mountains
 Regions:  Aerie · Belmarie · Fantasie · Last Desert · Sindanórie · Thellamie · Tode
Rivers:  Derrilyn
Other:  Caves of the Forgotten · Gorbelgod