Burrows family

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The Burrows Family was one of the more important of the Hobbit families of the Shire, of whom several members were present at Bilbo's famous Birthday Party. Very little is known about the family in general, apart from the fact that the correct plural of the name is "Burrowses". There was however a family connection between the Burrowses and the Bagginses: Bilbo's distant cousin Peony Baggins was married to Milo Burrows, and together they had four children.

Decades before his Birthday Party, at the end of his adventures in The Hobbit, Bilbo returned home to find that he had been officially presumed dead, and that Bag End and its contents were being sold at auction. The company responsible was Messrs Grubb, Grubb and Burrowes, a variation in spelling seen nowhere else. Perhaps this was just an unsual spelling of the name "Burrows", though it may conceivably have been an entirely different family of Hobbits with a remarkably similar name.

Druda Burrows
Rollo Boffin, 1260
Rufus Burrows
Asphodel Brandybuck, 1313-1412
various descendants
Milo Burrows, 1397
Peony Baggins, 1306
Mosco Burrows, 1387
Moro Burrows, 1341
Myrtle Burrows, 1393
Minto Burrows, 1396