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Months in the Bree Calendar
  1. Frery* (January)
  2. Solmath (February)
  3. Rethe (March)
  4. Chithing* (April)
  5. Thrimidge (May)
  6. Lithe* (June)
  7. Mede* (July)
  8. Wedmath (August)
  9. Harvestmath* (September)
  10. Wintring* (October)
  11. Blooting* (November)
  12. Yulemath* (December)
*Differ from Shire names.

Harvestmath is the name of the ninth month in the Bree Calendar (used by the Hobbits of Bree), following Wedmath. In the Shire the month was known as Halimath.[1]


The name represents a modernization of an Old English name for September, hærfestmōnaþ "Harvest-month".[2]
