Dagor Bragollach

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{{battle | name=Dagor Bragollach | image=File:John Howe - Morgoth vs. Fingolfin.png | conflict=War of the Jewels | date=F.A. 455 | place=Northern Beleriand/Anfauglith | result=Victory for Morgoth, breaking of the Siege of Angband, destruction of Dorthonion, loss of key fortresses and passes | side1=The [[Noldor|Ñoldor], The Edain (especially the House of Bëor) | side2=Orc armies, Glaurung, Gothmog | commanders1= Template:Fingolfin blazon Template:Maedhros blazon Template:Finrod blazon

| commanders2= Template:Morgoth blazon

| forces1=50,000 Elves under Fingolfin and Fingon, 20,000 under Maedhros and Maglor with 10,000 under Curufin and Celegorm and another 7000 under Caranthir. 5000 Elves under Angrod and Aegnor, with another 15,000 under Finrod and 3000 at Sirion under Orodreth. 20,000 men under Hador, 5000 under Barahir and 7000 under Bregolas. 4000 from Brethil and a few thousand Elves at Doriah. Overall, over 100,000 Elves and near 40,000 men[source?] | forces2=Balrogs, uncounted Orcs,Trolls, other creatures[source?] | casual1=30,000 Elves under Fingolfin and Fingon, 7000 under Maedhros and Maglor, and at least 6000 among the other Sons of Feanor. Destruction of Aegnor and Angrod's forces, 4000 under Finrod and perhaps a few hundred at Sirion, 10,000 men under Hador and destructive casualties for Barahir and Bregolas, a few hundred casualties in Brethil and Doriath. Overall, over 50,000 Elves and near 25,000 Men[source?] | casual2=Unknown, but probably heavy. In the following years of the war, most of Morgoth's gains were reversed but the casualties done to the Noldor, Sindar and Edain was irreplaceable[source?]


The Dagor Bragollach (Sindarin for "Battle of Sudden Flame") was the fourth battle of the Wars of Beleriand.

The Battle Opens

It began when Morgoth broke the Siege of Angband, which had held for four hundred years. On a winter's night, Morgoth sent out rivers of flame, consuming Ard-galen, which was renamed Anfauglith. Many elves perished as they fled from these flames, from the fire and the smoke. His armies of Balrogs and Orcs, led by Glaurung first of the Urulóki, overran the highlands of Dorthonion, and slew Angrod and Aegnor. Maglor's horsemen were burnt alive on the plain of Lothlann, and Maglor's Gap was taken, giving Morgoth an entry into Beleriand itself. Maglor retreated with heavy losses to Himring, where he helped defend the city of Maedhros.

East Beleriand Overrun

The Pass of Aglon was also breached, and Celegorm and Curufin fled south of Doriath to Nargothrond. Morgoth's Orcs took the mountain forests of Mount Rerir, and defiled Lake Helevorn, scattering south through Thargelion into East Beleriand. Caranthir fled to Amon Ereb, where he and Amrod built defenses. From there they slowly freed East Beleriand of the Orcs, while Maglor and Maedhros held the northern border.

Minas Tirith in the Pass of Sirion in the West under Orodreth held, and Orodreth's brother and Lord Finrod Felagund came north from Nargothrond with a large army. However, they were ambushed by a large army of Morgoth's forces at the Fen of Serech. The Noldor now found themselves trapped, and Finrod would have been killed but for a sortie by Barahir, who descended from Dorthonion and rescued the Elven lord. It was this deed which later earned Barahir the ring of Finrod which would become known as the Ring of Barahir.

Finrod and his folk fled south to Nargothrond, while Barahir continued defending Dorthonion. The mountain forts of the Ered Wethrin around Hithlum also held, although barely.

The Battle Ends: Fingolfin's Duel

Fingolfin's Wrath by Ted Nasmith

Thus the Siege was broken, the Sons of Fëanor scattered, and the forces of Morgoth roamed at will throughout the north.

When Fingolfin, the High King of the Noldor, learned of the losses of so many Noldor, he rode in anger across the dust of Anfauglith and challenged Morgoth to single combat. At the doors of Angband itself, they fought a great duel. Fingolfin's sword, Ringil, wounded Morgoth seven times. Yet, he was felled by Morgoth's hammer, Grond, and slain by Morgoth's mighty foot.

See also

War of the Great Jewels
First Battle · Dagor-nuin-Giliath · Dagor Aglareb · Dagor Bragollach · Nirnaeth Arnoediad · War of Wrath
